V1.1 Patch Notes

Hello everyone,

This first version update is mainly to deal with early bugs that were missed during my initial test runs of the game. I don't plan releasing additional updates unless some more issues are discovered.

Thank you to everyone who brought the issues below to my attention.

  1. Fixed issue where Kim/Flint's final dialogue didn't loop
  2. Adjusted Chell's quest candy requirements to be easier in the beginning.
  3. Dialogue for interacting with Ric's Repair and Repo now displays total money needed to complete the game.
  4. Increased movement speed for Zenn's Normal and Final outfit
  5. Added hint dialogue for invisible candy near Kim while wearing the final outfit
  6. Added Ability to skip dialogue with 'Q' key
  7. Fixed issue where costumes would still be unlocked if starting new game without closing the game.
  8.  Added new option to the debug menu


ZQ_v1.1.exe 872 MB
Jun 14, 2024
ZQ_v1.1.rar 362 MB
Jun 14, 2024

Get Zenn's Quest for Candy & Car

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